We are Ambassador of Knowledge to Humanity-Expanding Knowledge for Humanity http://www.timologyvok.blogspot.com/ or http://www.timologylive.blogspot.com/
Timologylive comes of age and claims its place among other media for the dissemination of information and knowledge.It is a medium for the explosion of Timology Concepts.This is an academic wing of timology as originated by vok.This is a brain child of timology concepts-an off shoot of timologyvok which has been a social change process. In this technical perspective we strive to collect and disseminate information on timology concepts in terms of origin, evelopment and application of Continuity Principles and theories.The import themes that this blog will tackle will include:
VokThis is an acronym for Vincent Oduor Odhiambo.This is one of the thirty-one Vincent oduor’s listed in facebooks who originated the serious discussion on timology-hence giving it its epistemological meaning. This is the father of modern timology
Timology:This is the knowledge of time and continuity. It is a branch of knowledge that deals with time
TimologyvokThis is a continuity blog that has hit the world class viewing across the continents of the world. This is timology as originated by Vincent Oduor K’Odongoh who claims the meaningful definition of timology as the study of time and continuity Notable in this area are such key words as......
TimologistThis is a word that literally means those who have contributed knowledge on Continuity and Existence
TimologistThis is a word that literally means those who have contributed knowledge on Continuity and Existence
TimologyliveThis is an offshoot blog from timologyvok that strives to make knowledge readily available for the sake of Humanity that is, to make the knowledge of timology lively by placing it where it belongs on the face of existenceThrough Timologylive it is an entertainment guaranteed site that any or some of your dream fragments can be remembered and if well documented should be quite helpful, or at least entertaining! If you find your energy to be a little off-kilter, this is the site ensures that, that unconscious signal could get you back on track if you keep track of knowledge explosionThere comes a time when ones brilliant energy could be making waves all around oneself, and it is possible that it might actually shake things up (in a good way to be positive) between one and his close friends. Sometimes you need to make a big change, look wide and think positive in order to enjoy what you've got. It is here that Timologylive comes in.According to Unknown Author in This week’s thought - Goals! it is asserted that: "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending."
The Continuity Principles.These are set of rules, laws and principles that are believed to have been responsible in guiding and is believed to offer explanation of the question of time and will help scientist and budding modern timologist to explore and explain Continuity and Existence.
The Continuity Principles.These are set of rules, laws and principles that are believed to have been responsible in guiding and is believed to offer explanation of the question of time and will help scientist and budding modern timologist to explore and explain Continuity and Existence.
The continuity AnalysisThis is the study of the interaction and influence of the continuity rules, laws and principles. It makes a highlight of the evolution, exploration, development and production of a mass of knowledge that has come to be known as Timology.
Championing the course of Knowledge for HumanityThis is a series of activities including research,networking,collaboration,capacity building, blogging and publishing information that relates to continuity and existence as known by or as would be beneficial to human endeavour
Ambassador of Knowledge for HumanityExpansion of Knowledge for Humanity
(II) Time Recording and Forecasting Conventional Calendar design and production (highlighting Outline of calendar Mathematics; the Rules for the design of the conventional calendar; the commercial production and distribution of calendar.
(III)Time Measurement and Prediction
(IV)Timology as an Academic Area:Meaning, evolution and development, scope application (V)Timology as a Medium of Entertainment:Has a timology slideshow, Timologylive souvenir flickerphotostream,Timologylive newsreel, Timologylive videobar,Timologylive aquarium among other games
(IV)Timology as an Academic Area:Meaning, evolution and development, scope application (V)Timology as a Medium of Entertainment:Has a timology slideshow, Timologylive souvenir flickerphotostream,Timologylive newsreel, Timologylive videobar,Timologylive aquarium among other games
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